[:en]Comprehensive Legal Resources List Document
This is a list of organizations that may be able to provide you or a family member with legal help or legal information. The “General Legal” section is a good place to start since they may provide assistance with a variety of problems. Other organizations are listed based on their focus area. Please call or visit the organization’s website to find out more information about their services and costs.
General Legal
Houston Volunteer Lawyers – Make Justice Happen
Representation in family and general civil matters including: divorce, custody, name change, probate, guardianship, consumer, homeownership, landlord/tenant, bankruptcy, IRS tax, estate planning.
www.makejusticehappen.org (713) 228-0732
Lone Star Legal Aid
Representation in domestic violence, child advocacy, homeowner protection, tenants’ rights and public housing, income maintenance and public benefits, health care access, consumer fraud, disabilities rights, employment, education, civil rights, and disaster relief.
www.lonestarlegal.org (713) 652-0077
University of Houston Legal Aid Clinic
Civil family law, guardianship, custody, divorces, probate, immigration, transactional and consumer.
(713) 743-2094
South Texas College of Law
Family law, estate planning, probate, guardianship, child welfare, social security, asylum and human trafficking.
www.stcl.edu/lawclinics/ (713)-646-2990
Texas Southern University School of Law Clinic
Immigration, Criminal Matters (Misdemeanors), Family Law (Simple Divorces/ No property and no children), Wills & Probate Matters, ADR/Mediation.
(713) 313-7275
Dispute Resolution Center
Mediation for disputes between neighbors, family members landlord/tenant, employer/employee, and consumer matters.
www.harriscountytx.gov/drc/ (713) 755-8274
Houston Lawyer Referral Service
Free referrals; 30 min consultation with attorney for reduced fee ($20).
www.hlrs.org/for-the-public/ (713) 237-9429
Houston Bar Association Legal Line
Free legal advice over the phone in English, Vietnamese and Spanish, see website for dates.
www.hba.org/services/legalline/ (713) 759-1133
Texas Legal Services Center
Legal hotline for Texans over 60 or on Medicare. (800) 622-2520
Pension Rights Project. (800) 443-2528
Assistance for crime victims. (888) 343-4414
Assitance for caregivers or minors. (866) 979-4343
Provides free, reliable legal information to low-income Texans.
Beacon Law
Assists with access to safe and affordable housing, access to income and employment, economic justice, and consumer rights for homeless/low-income individuals.
www.chomhouston.org (713) 220-9780
Family Law/Children/Minors
Attorney General’s Office – Child Support Division
Child support, paternity establishment.
www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/ (713) 974-4876
Domestic Relations Office
Enforcement of child support, visitation and paternity establishment.
www.dro.hctx.net (713) 755-6757
Fathers for Equal Rights
Custody, child support, paternity establishment, document preparation.
www.fathers4kids.com (713) 226-8485
Houston Area Women’s Center (HAWC)
Support for victims or domestic or sexual violence including resources, counseling, patient advocates and children’s court services.
www.hawc.org (713) 528-2121
Jane’s Due Process, lnc.
Legal representation and information about rights for pregnant minors.
www.janesdueprocess.org (866) 999-5263
Justice for Children
Advocacy and legal services on behalf of abused or neglected children.
www.justiceforchildren.org (713) 225-4357
Texas Access
Custody issues, parental rights, paternity establishment, child support. Hotline provides legal advice over the phone in English and Spanish.
www.txaccess.org (866) 292-4636
State Bar of Texas
Legal referrals and advice to active duty armed forces, and legal resources for veterans, including free lawyer referral service.
www.texasbar.com/veterans (800) 204-2222
Houston Bar Association Veterans Legal Initiative
Legal advice and representation for veterans and spouses of deceased veterans. Legal clinics in the community and weekly at Houston VA Hospital.
www.hba.org/services/veterans-legal-initiative/ (713) 333-8387
Texas Veterans Commission
Disability claims representation, and counseling assistance, employment services and education benefits.
www.tvc.state.tx.us (800) 252-8387
Veterans Legal Assistance Project
Civil legal matters, family law, employment, housing, consumer protection, bankruptcy, VA benefits.
www.tlsc.org (800) 622-2520
Disabled American Veterans
Benefits assistance, representation of veteran interests, and more.
www.dav.org (713) 383-2715
Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program
Pro bono representation before court of Veterans Appeals in DC.
www.vetsprobono.net (888) 838-7727
HEROS: for Children in Military Families
Assistance with paternity establishment, child support, custody/visitation.
www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/cs/family-initiatives#heros (512) 460-6400
Civil Rights/Employment/Wages
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Job applicant or employee discrimination issues.
www.eeoc.gov (800) 669-4000
Texas Workforce Commission – Civil Rights Division
Employee rights, unemployment benefits, housing discrimination. www.twc.state.tx.us (888) 452-4778
Texas Department of Insurance
Workers compensation and claim information.
www.tdi.texas.gov (800) 578-4677
American Civil Liberties Union
Advocating for civil rights of individuals, legal assistance.
www.aclutx.org (888) 653-6498
Mexican American Legal Defense Fund (MALDEF)
Education, employment, voting, and immigration rights for Latinos.
www.maldef.org (210) 224-5476
Texas Civil Rights Project
Civil rights violations, employment/wages, VAWA & DACA assistance.
www.texascivilrightsproject.org (832) 767-3650
Law Enforcement/Criminal Matters
Harris County District Attorney’s Office
Crime prevention and victim assistance.
http://app.dao.hctx.net (713) 755-7114
Harris Co. Sheriff’s Office
Report a crime, missing person or inmate care concerns.
http://www.harriscountyso.org/ (713) 221-6000
Texas Innocence Network
Represents inmates who have persuasive claims of actual innocence.
http://texasinnocencenetwork.com/ (713) 743-7552
TSU Criminal Law Clinic (713) 313-7275
Health Law
Legal Line – Health Law Project
Legal assistance with health care issues including Medicare/Medicaid, FMLA, denial of treatment, end of life directives.
www.tlsc.org (866) 979-4343
Professional Grievances
Attorney Grievance Information
Confidential dispute resolution for Texas lawyers and their clients.
www.texasbar.com/caap (800) 932-1900
Elder Law
Texas Department of Family & Protective Services
Hotline to report abuse, neglect or exploitation.
www.dfps.state.tx.us (800) 252-5400
South Central Pension Rights Project
Assists with public and private pension benefit claims. www.southcentralpension.org (800) 443-2528
Texas Advocates for Nursing Home Residents
Education, 30 day notices, disaster relief.
www.tanhr.net (888) 826-4748
Texas Department on Aging and Disability Services
www.dads.state.tx.us (800) 252-9240
Advocate Legal Senior Center
Legal representation and assistance with obtaining guardianship.
www.senioradvocatetx.org (832) 393-4073
IRS Issues
HVLP Low-income Taxpayer Clinic
Tax controversies, innocent spouse.
www.makejusticehappen.org (713) 225-1TAX
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Free tax return preparation.
irs.treasury.gov/freetaxprep/ (800) 906-9887
Taxpayer Advocate Service – Houston
Assistance with IRS problems and understanding your rights.
www.irs.gov/advocate (713) 209-3660
Consumer Issues
Better Business Bureau Greater Houston
www.bbb.org/houston (713) 868-9500
Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Hotline
Consumer complaints against an individual or business.
www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/cpd/consumer-protection (800) 621-0508
Consumer Fraud Harris County DA
File a Consumer Fraud complaint/report. (713) 755-5836
Legal Line – VICARS for Crime Victims
Assistance for victims of identity theft.
www.idvictim.org (888) 343-4414
The People’s Lawyer
Information regarding consumer, tenants’ rights, small claims. www.peopleslawyer.net; http://www.texasccc.com (877) 839-8422
Tenants’ Council of Houston
Houston Area Urban League
Foreclosure intervention program.
www.haul.org (713) 393-8751
Public Utility Commission of Texas
Consumer information, complaints hotline.
www.puc.state.tx.us (888) 782-8477
LGBT issues
Lambda Legal Help Desk
Information and resources regarding discrimination related to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and HIV status.
http://www.lambdalegal.org/help (866) 542-8336
This is a list of organizations that may be able to provide you or a family member with legal help or legal information. The “General Legal” section is a good place to start since they may provide assistance with a variety of problems. Other organizations are listed based on their focus area. Please call or visit the organization’s website to find out more information about their services and costs.
General Legal
Houston Volunteer Lawyers – Make Justice Happen
Representation in family and general civil matters including: divorce, custody, name change, probate, guardianship, consumer, homeownership, landlord/tenant, bankruptcy, IRS tax, estate planning.
www.makejusticehappen.org (713) 228-0732
Lone Star Legal Aid
Representation in domestic violence, child advocacy, homeowner protection, tenants’ rights and public housing, income maintenance and public benefits, health care access, consumer fraud, disabilities rights, employment, education, civil rights, and disaster relief.
www.lonestarlegal.org (713) 652-0077
University of Houston Legal Aid Clinic
Civil family law, guardianship, custody, divorces, probate, immigration, transactional and consumer.
(713) 743-2094
South Texas College of Law
Family law, estate planning, probate, guardianship, child welfare, social security, asylum and human trafficking.
www.stcl.edu/lawclinics/ (713)-646-2990
Texas Southern University School of Law Clinic
Immigration, Criminal Matters (Misdemeanors), Family Law (Simple Divorces/ No property and no children), Wills & Probate Matters, ADR/Mediation.
(713) 313-7275
Dispute Resolution Center
Mediation for disputes between neighbors, family members landlord/tenant, employer/employee, and consumer matters.
www.harriscountytx.gov/drc/ (713) 755-8274
Houston Lawyer Referral Service
Free referrals; 30 min consultation with attorney for reduced fee ($20).
www.hlrs.org/for-the-public/ (713) 237-9429
Houston Bar Association Legal Line
Free legal advice over the phone in English, Vietnamese and Spanish, see website for dates.
www.hba.org/services/legalline/ (713) 759-1133
Texas Legal Services Center
Legal hotline for Texans over 60 or on Medicare. (800) 622-2520
Pension Rights Project. (800) 443-2528
Assistance for crime victims. (888) 343-4414
Assitance for caregivers or minors. (866) 979-4343
Provides free, reliable legal information to low-income Texans.
Beacon Law
Assists with access to safe and affordable housing, access to income and employment, economic justice, and consumer rights for homeless/low-income individuals.
www.chomhouston.org (713) 220-9780
Family Law/Children/Minors
Attorney General’s Office – Child Support Division
Child support, paternity establishment.
www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/ (713) 974-4876
Domestic Relations Office
Enforcement of child support, visitation and paternity establishment.
www.dro.hctx.net (713) 755-6757
Fathers for Equal Rights
Custody, child support, paternity establishment, document preparation.
www.fathers4kids.com (713) 226-8485
Houston Area Women’s Center (HAWC)
Support for victims or domestic or sexual violence including resources, counseling, patient advocates and children’s court services.
www.hawc.org (713) 528-2121
Jane’s Due Process, lnc.
Legal representation and information about rights for pregnant minors.
www.janesdueprocess.org (866) 999-5263
Justice for Children
Advocacy and legal services on behalf of abused or neglected children.
www.justiceforchildren.org (713) 225-4357
Texas Access
Custody issues, parental rights, paternity establishment, child support. Hotline provides legal advice over the phone in English and Spanish.
www.txaccess.org (866) 292-4636
State Bar of Texas
Legal referrals and advice to active duty armed forces, and legal resources for veterans, including free lawyer referral service.
www.texasbar.com/veterans (800) 204-2222
Houston Bar Association Veterans Legal Initiative
Legal advice and representation for veterans and spouses of deceased veterans. Legal clinics in the community and weekly at Houston VA Hospital.
www.hba.org/services/veterans-legal-initiative/ (713) 333-8387
Texas Veterans Commission
Disability claims representation, and counseling assistance, employment services and education benefits.
www.tvc.state.tx.us (800) 252-8387
Veterans Legal Assistance Project
Civil legal matters, family law, employment, housing, consumer protection, bankruptcy, VA benefits.
www.tlsc.org (800) 622-2520
Disabled American Veterans
Benefits assistance, representation of veteran interests, and more.
www.dav.org (713) 383-2715
Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program
Pro bono representation before court of Veterans Appeals in DC.
www.vetsprobono.net (888) 838-7727
HEROS: for Children in Military Families
Assistance with paternity establishment, child support, custody/visitation.
www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/cs/family-initiatives#heros (512) 460-6400
Civil Rights/Employment/Wages
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Job applicant or employee discrimination issues.
www.eeoc.gov (800) 669-4000
Texas Workforce Commission – Civil Rights Division
Employee rights, unemployment benefits, housing discrimination. www.twc.state.tx.us (888) 452-4778
Texas Department of Insurance
Workers compensation and claim information.
www.tdi.texas.gov (800) 578-4677
American Civil Liberties Union
Advocating for civil rights of individuals, legal assistance.
www.aclutx.org (888) 653-6498
Mexican American Legal Defense Fund (MALDEF)
Education, employment, voting, and immigration rights for Latinos.
www.maldef.org (210) 224-5476
Texas Civil Rights Project
Civil rights violations, employment/wages, VAWA & DACA assistance.
www.texascivilrightsproject.org (832) 767-3650
Law Enforcement/Criminal Matters
Harris County District Attorney’s Office
Crime prevention and victim assistance.
http://app.dao.hctx.net (713) 755-7114
Harris Co. Sheriff’s Office
Report a crime, missing person or inmate care concerns.
http://www.harriscountyso.org/ (713) 221-6000
Texas Innocence Network
Represents inmates who have persuasive claims of actual innocence.
http://texasinnocencenetwork.com/ (713) 743-7552
TSU Criminal Law Clinic (713) 313-7275
Health Law
Legal Line – Health Law Project
Legal assistance with health care issues including Medicare/Medicaid, FMLA, denial of treatment, end of life directives.
www.tlsc.org (866) 979-4343
Professional Grievances
Attorney Grievance Information
Confidential dispute resolution for Texas lawyers and their clients.
www.texasbar.com/caap (800) 932-1900
Elder Law
Texas Department of Family & Protective Services
Hotline to report abuse, neglect or exploitation.
www.dfps.state.tx.us (800) 252-5400
South Central Pension Rights Project
Assists with public and private pension benefit claims. www.southcentralpension.org (800) 443-2528
Texas Advocates for Nursing Home Residents
Education, 30 day notices, disaster relief.
www.tanhr.net (888) 826-4748
Texas Department on Aging and Disability Services
www.dads.state.tx.us (800) 252-9240
Advocate Legal Senior Center
Legal representation and assistance with obtaining guardianship.
www.senioradvocatetx.org (832) 393-4073
IRS Issues
HVLP Low-income Taxpayer Clinic
Tax controversies, innocent spouse.
www.makejusticehappen.org (713) 225-1TAX
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Free tax return preparation.
irs.treasury.gov/freetaxprep/ (800) 906-9887
Taxpayer Advocate Service – Houston
Assistance with IRS problems and understanding your rights.
www.irs.gov/advocate (713) 209-3660
Consumer Issues
Better Business Bureau Greater Houston
www.bbb.org/houston (713) 868-9500
Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Hotline
Consumer complaints against an individual or business.
www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/cpd/consumer-protection (800) 621-0508
Consumer Fraud Harris County DA
File a Consumer Fraud complaint/report. (713) 755-5836
Legal Line – VICARS for Crime Victims
Assistance for victims of identity theft.
www.idvictim.org (888) 343-4414
The People’s Lawyer
Information regarding consumer, tenants’ rights, small claims. www.peopleslawyer.net; http://www.texasccc.com (877) 839-8422
Tenants’ Council of Houston
Houston Area Urban League
Foreclosure intervention program.
www.haul.org (713) 393-8751
Public Utility Commission of Texas
Consumer information, complaints hotline.
www.puc.state.tx.us (888) 782-8477
LGBT issues
Lambda Legal Help Desk
Information and resources regarding discrimination related to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and HIV status.
http://www.lambdalegal.org/help (866) 542-8336